The Music Writer’s Lab is proud to announce its first ever Commissioning Fund for 2024.

Recognising a lack of support for Australian media outlets in today’s landscape, as well as a need for more visibility of both Australian artists and those who write about them, The Music Writer’s Lab debuts this Commissioning Fund with the aim to feed back into the local music media economy. This element of The Music Writer’s Lab expands on one of the project’s core aims, which is to build and nurture a community of Australian music journalists around the country, providing them with remuneration for their work.

A Commissioning Fund such as this has been a pipedream for The Music Writer’s Lab since its inception, and the project team is incredibly grateful for the investment and support from both Music Australia and Patron, Leanne de Souza.

$6,000 will be shared between Australian music media outlets by application. All existing Australian music media outlets are encouraged to apply — this Commissioning Fund is open for all to be involved in, regardless of genre. Designed to support diverse voices and under-represented music communities, The Music Writer’s Lab Commissioning Fund is looking to prioritise a wide spread of coverage.

Music media outlets are able to apply for $1,000 to commission content that covers live reviews, artist profiles or other unique content features that highlight Australian music.

Agreed upon content will be published by November 30 2024, as part of Ausmusic Month.

Applications for The Music Writer’s Lab Commissioning Fund close 5pm, Friday 4 October.

Apply via the EOI link below!